Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Myeloma transplant - Stem cell infusion

The stem cell infusion for my myeloma stem cell transplant was an anti climax, apparently a common reaction.
The day before stem cell infusion I was given the conditioning therapy of high dose melphalan and dexamethasone.
At mid-day on stem cell infusion day I welcomed my stem cells as they were bought into my room, all details and administration checked and closed off. The bag of stem cells were connected up to my central line letting the process begin.
It was up to me to acknowledge the significance of the occasion, a second chance.
This I did by welcoming my stem cells back into my body telling them they were my heroes as they came in through the central line.
Other transplant patients have told me they recited poetry that had meaning to them or read some relevant scriptures. My NZ Army veteran friend said he played military music relating to an army marching into battle.
Other than a bit of light headiness there was no fuss, no drama.
My temperature, pulse and blood pressure were monitored, nothing outside normal.
We were told the preservatives in the stem cells would leave a smell in the room for several days. I smelt nothing. Myra could smell a corn like odour for 2 days.

This is one of “part 2” a series of postings relating to my autologous stem cell transplant for myeloma. As they are complete the posting series can be found under labels/part 2 [Part 2 link]

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