Saturday, July 18, 2009

Summary of Part 1 "The beginning"

This concludes Sid’s multiple myeloma journey part 1 “the beginning”, part 1 of 6.
It has been an interesting exercise revisiting my diaries and thoughts and sharing them on this blog. What a life changing journey it has been.
There have been 40 postings in part 1, here are 18 of the posting highlights of my blog part 1, or as Myra says, “The juicy bits”. The remainder of the postings can be found in the labels section on the left of my blog.
Click on the red title links to go to the posting highlighted below.


Summary June 2001 to January 2009
A chronological reading of my myeloma journey over that time all in one place made me realise myeloma is not a simple illness, it keeps coming. The goal is to limit its progress.

Pre diagnose
My condition before diagnose. I should have been less optimistic and listened to others.


You have cancer
How I coped when I was told, “Sid, you have multiple myeloma. It’s a cancer of the blood. YOU HAVE CANCER”.

Confronting death from myeloma
Myeloma, a cancer that has no cure. How I confronted death.

Myeloma anger
Why me? I was angry that this cancer invaded my body, an unwelcome intruder.
I had to express and release my anger.


Decision made to be a myeloma survivor
I quickly came to the conclusion that I wanted to be a myeloma survivor, there was no other option. This was the beginning of my way forward.

An inspiration, the first myeloma survivor I met and she had been living with myeloma for 14 years.

Survival tools

Myeloma support group
My lifeline, being an active member of a myeloma support group has assisted me in becoming a myeloma survivor.

Team Sid, a way forward
As part of my way forward to myeloma survival I created “Team Sid”, a network of help and support for medical, emotional and logistical reasons.

Positive affirmations
A survival tool to give me inspiration. “If I can say it, I can do it.”

A positive attitude to survive myeloma
“Success is a by product of a positive attitude”. Another survivor tool.


Myeloma bone pain
My worst aspect of myeloma, bone pain, it hurts. Oh the relief when it went away.

Morphine for myeloma bone pain
Pain relief, how I used it, withdrawal symptoms.

My VAD treatment for myeloma
Summary of my initial treatment VAD.

Bisphosphonates for myeloma
A summary of the bisphosphonate Aredia that I have monthly to treat my bones.

Dexamethasone for myeloma, side effects
Dexamethasone, the steroid that I have used. My seek and destroy missile and the side effects it has given me.


There’s a rat eating my hand
Cancer humour, an amusing story that happened to me. Even in ill health and adversity we must remember and enjoy our humorous moments.

Urine sample for myeloma, no worries
The humour behind trying to pass a reluctant urine sample. It was all my mother’s fault.

Hot news. Join me on Sid’s multiple myeloma journey, part 2 “The Transplant” starting next week.


Anonymous said...


I was recently diagnosed with MM.
Discovered by Doctor treating compression fracture on my back.

The term " I can feel your pain"
relates to my reading of your blog.

My wife is a nurse, and is a great help to me.
But sometimes she cries, because she knows the facts & survival rate.

I am not giving up.
I have dealt with being a diabetic for over 25 years.

I will not give up or give in to MM.

Found your web site & blog on one of those painfully nights.

I meet with Cancer doctor next week and bone doctor.

Finished radiation treatment Monday

Don't know what's in store, but I will not quit.

Robert Thornton

Anonymous said...

My mother was diagnosed with stage III IggA? (not sure if I have that correct). She is 65 years old and was fit and healthy until diagnosis 3 weeks ago. She doesn't have kidney damage and a good haemoglobin. She has had 2 chemos so far and I we live in West Auckland also. Would it be possible to meet up sometime?

Sid said...

Yes, love to have a chat. Email me at